Want to rank your website in Google and do not know where to start? The first choice is to engage with a professional and experienced SEO team like Seoone who have it all covered for you.

Our SEO specialists provide your business with greater visibility in the search engine results pages (SERPs). There are many SEO benefits, however, a few include increased traffic, improved brand awareness, and increased sales. We cater to off-page and on-page advanced SEO techniques, with other latest SEO methods that increase your search rankings. It will also make help your business with increased traffic and sales.


Every challenge requires a unique strategy, we’d love to hear about yours!


    Link Building
    in Turkey


    • SEO helps businesses reach more customers. It means we will help your potential customers find your business seamlessly.
    • SEO also helps businesses improve website visibility and credibility in local search engine results pages (SERPs) for your audience.
    • Turkish SEO services can help boost traffic and leads from potential customers in Turkey.
    • SEO in Turkey will help you stay ahead of the competition.
    • Our SEO can help you create more engaging content and build retainer clients. It will also help your website rank in local search results and attract new visitors and leads.


    Turkey is a fascinating country with a rich history and culture. In recent years, it has also become an important destination for tourists. If you’re doing business there, it’s imperative to understand the basics of Turkish SEO.


    Turkish is the native language here in Turkey. So, for your customers to relate to the brand, you must provide information in Turkish. It may seem obvious, but many websites are still in English, and they will not rank as well in Turkey as Turkish websites will. Google provides the capability to translate websites automatically from English to Turkish, but it can be unreliable. It is where our experienced writers provide you with content with quality translation for your customers.



    When it comes to an SEO strategy for Europe, there are three main factors that come into play: technique, content, and backlinks. By enforcing these three ‘pillars of online performance’ we can substantially strengthen your online rankings. We start with gathering data about your target country or countries. By performing keyword research, we determine which keywords have the biggest search volume and are therefore offering the most interesting prospects for your company. By utilising Google Search Console data, we find the keywords on which you’re already delivering a stellar performance. We’ll also take a look at your weaker keywords. By taking inventory like this, we can improve the weaker ones and amplify the success of the good ones. If need be, we can create business cases as well. With a case like that, we can adequately determine which number one keyword positions will be relevant to your company, which will greatly improve traffic and increase revenue.



    After we’ve gathered enough data, we’ll start optimising your platform. We’ll always kick things off with an SEO audit. Mind you, our SEO audit is not just some standard report from some obscure analysis tool. Our report will produce concrete facts, data and most importantly: improvements regarding your website. The audit factors in things like site structure, linking structure, site speed, structured data, keyword density and so on. Afterwards we’ll make an implementation plan as well. It’s possible for Seoone to implement the results of these reports for you, but you can of course choose to implement them yourself as well.



    A lot of our clients’ SEO performances plain right suffer from a lack of content. To combat this, we’ll develop a strong content plan. This way we can start adding high quality, SEO-proof content that adds value in the long run. We can supply you with high quality landing pages, pillar pages and FAQ pages for specific keywords, all to get that traffic flowing to your website. And of course, all our content is written by native writers, in your target country’s language.



    After we’ve optimised your on-site content, we’ll start working on your off-site presence. We’ll set up multilingual link building campaigns, with high quality content on high traffic blogs and platforms; All to give your your platform a higher online authority, through high quality backlinks. Additionally we’ll focus on PR campaigns to acquire backlinks with premium news websites.



    A lot of our clients’ SEO performances plain right suffer from a lack of content. To combat this, we’ll develop a strong content plan. This way we can start adding high quality, SEO-proof content that adds value in the long run. We can supply you with high quality landing pages, pillar pages and FAQ pages for specific keywords, all to get that traffic flowing to your website. And of course, all our content is written by native writers, in your target country’s language.



    To be able to measure the impact of our SEO strategy for Europe, we of course do monthly evaluations of the results of our efforts. On that same monthly basis we also report back about the various backlink placements. With our custom ranking tool we analyse the individual performance of each of the keywords we are targeting. And of course you yourself get access to these results as well, to track your ranking progress in real-time.